PCT California 2010

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This was truly a spectacular trip. We started this trip with 13 of us Naiomi (our truly fearless leader)Jane,Tony,Marrieta,Keith,Linda,Pat,Anna,Geolyn,Cheryl,Ann Marie,Mike and Myself. Our first night out was at Aloha Lakes where we were given explict directions as to how to get there in case we seperated (as we always do). Welllllllll a few us managed to screw this up and headed off in a different direction, from this point we were dubbed the Special Ed hiking team.

Geolyn took off on the Bayview hiking trail after Velma Lakes which was on day 3. Naimoi,Jane,Marrieta,Tony,Linda,Pat and Anna all left on day 4 at Barker Pass right after we had a chance to be exposed to a serious lightening bolt and a good downpour.

We were now down to what Mike dubbed as the "A" team which was Myself,Keith,Ann-Marie,Cheryl and Mike.  Our first night was at a spectacular and remote campsite out on a cliff/ridge with Lake Tahoe in the distance. Two days later we camped at the Sierra Hut up a "trace" trail off of the PCT on Anderson Peak. I really had to appreciate the toughness of the Sierra Club people who built this hut and this bareley visable and insane trail let alone the hut on this crazy peak. We had been adviced along the trail that there was water down another "trace" trail from the hut. Welllllll that was down (and up) another 500 feet of insane terrain. Keith,Mike and Ann Marie stayed in the hut where Keith made friends with a boot loving mouse. Cheryl and I thought our tents looked more inviting (though we both ended up sleeping on slopes).

We were able to swim in 3 different lakes on this trip and had some truly amazing geology.

Echo Lakes

Up the trail all 13 of us

Amazing Aloha Lake

Alien comes to help with directions

Marietta at camp

Jane packing up

Naiomi and Linda at Footanillis Lake

Swim time at Velma Lakes

Mikes ripped up pants

Swiming in Lake Richardson

Cliff trails with Lake Tahoe in the Background

Women RULE on this trip 9/3

Happy Ann Marie on Cliff camp over Tahoe

The Most Amazing Rock I've ever seen

Perfect morning start with Tahoe in background

Our Geologist looking for hidden Gems

Keith our Excellent Photographer

Can't get enough of this vista

We Three determined Souls

Loving the Sky scapes

Keith and Mike on Cliff examing the plant world

Hiking thru Mules Ears

Cheryl in Five Lakes off trail adventure

Geology abounds

Amazing Sierra Hut on Anderson Peak

Vistas Forever

Scrabble in the Hut

Keith resting with the mice

Sunrise at the Hut

Best Outhouse Ever

Birthday Boy proudly wears Airline Crown