Pacific Crest Trail 2006

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SECTION "O" Sh.....t Burney Falls to Castle Graig

Charters are: Geolyn,Maureen,jo

This was a trip that Geolyn put together for completing section O in May so as to try and avoid the reputed black flys that are famous for bothering people on this stretch. As it turns out we ended up have 23.5 or so miles of snow on this 65 mile section making the trip extremly difficult. We knew that there was a possibility of some snow so we all brought crampons and Maureen mapped out the whole trip on her GPS and downloaded the maps (life saving). On the last day of the snow section at the end of the day we hit an area of no return - we either had to rock climb (with backpacks on) or return out the way we came, we chose the climb. All came out well. This was the most difficult thing I have ever done and I hope that it remains so.

Maureen at PCT sign

Beautiful Burney Falls

La De Da piece of cake

and the plot thickens

We think we're seeing possible dry trail ahead

We can do this

No trail GPS time

Planning our bank robbery

Shasta in the distance

Camping on Mushroom Rock

contemplating Shasta

Crampons on, Crampons off

Endless snowdrifts

Piles of snow to climb

you'd think we were preparing for Nepal

more chalenges

A dry lunch spot

Ahoaaa dry trail ahead matessss.

Shasta remains intact

Time for Maureens expertise

Circumstances are not improving

Finally out of the snow

It just kept getting more extreme

Girls on trail - 19 mile day to catch up lost time

An exhausted Geolyn

Time to dry some clothes out

Moss on all sides of this tree. North ?


I can't move

Our trail Angel JoAnne

Lost hiker sign left on my car